School of Agriculture
"Where You Can Find The Best Agricultural Knowledge, And Hope You the Best Wishes In Our Campus"
0603933 Biotechnology in Food and Nutrition
Course Description :

Study of the applications of biotechnology in food examination; production of food substitutes and modification of food functional properties; unit operations  that are used in biotechnology, bioreactors, and in bioconversion of raw materials; biotechnology of vitamins, growth factors, hormones, and amino acids regarding their production, modification, and the know how of their use in food enrichment; regulatory and social aspects of food and nutrition biotechnology.

Department :Nutrition%20and%20Food%20Technology
Program :Ph.D%20in%20Food%20science%20and%20Technology%20%20
Course Level :Doctorate
Course Outline :
Advanced Biotechnology in Foods and Nutrition (0633933) ILO's.docx