School of Agriculture
"Where You Can Find The Best Agricultural Knowledge, And Hope You the Best Wishes In Our Campus"
0603941 Functional Foods
Course Description :

Definition of functional foods; popularity and uses; chemistry and components which include prebiotics, probiotics, phytochemicals, herbs, some animal and plant products, some active chemicals such as sterols, polyphenols, ergogenic aids and antioxidants; brief description of their production; legislative aspects, claims and health risks related to them. The course includes student participation through data collection on selected functional and health foods, analysis of results obtained and presenting them in a seminar.

Department :Nutrition%20and%20Food%20Technology
Program :Ph.D%20in%20Food%20science%20and%20Technology%20%20
Course Level :Doctorate
Course Outline :
Functional Foods 941_ILOs_2019.pdf