School of Agriculture
"Where You Can Find The Best Agricultural Knowledge, And Hope You the Best Wishes In Our Campus"
0603967 Nutritional Bioenergetics
Course Description :

An advanced level study of substrate and thermodynamics in metabolism; molecular, cellular and whole body energy metabolism and its regulation and methods of measurement; regulatory aspects of energy intake, energy expenditure, and body energy stores; white and brown adipose tissue cellularity and metabolic activity; thermogenic mechanisms and their hormonal regulation; biochemical and physiological aspects of fed-starve cycle and its nutritional interaction and metabolic consequences; homeostasis of body weight regulation; thermogenic defects in obesity and the effect of relevant polymorphism, dieting and exercise.

Department :Nutrition%20and%20Food%20Technology
Program :Ph.D%20in%20%20Nutrition%20and%20dietetics
Course Level :Doctorate
Course Outline :
Energy in Nutrition 967_ILOs_2020.pdf