School of Agriculture:: The University of Jordan ::

  School of Agriculture - Department of Plant Protection

0606212 General Entomology
General Entomology (0606212).pdf    
0606221 Plant Pathology Not Upload
0606231 Weed Science Not Upload
0606311 General Acarology
Genral Acarology (0606311).pdf    
0606316 Medicinal and Veterinary Entomology Not Upload
0606325 Phytopathogenic Bacteria
Phytopathogenic Bacteria (0606325).pdf    
0606327 Plant Nematology Not Upload
0606351 Pesticides Not Upload
0606418 Insect Ecology Not Upload
0606423 Beneficial Fungi
Beneficial fungi (646423).pdf    
0606451 Biological Control
Biological Control (0636451).pdf    
0636452 Herbicides Not Upload
0606711 Integrated Pest Management
Integrated Pest Management 0606711 ILO's.doc    
0606714 Insect Behavior
Insect Behavior (606714) ILO's.doc    
0606722 Diagnoses of Plant Diseases
Diagnoses of Plant Diseases (0606722) ILO's.docx    
0606725 Identification of Phytopathogenic Bacteria
Identification of Phytopathogenic Bacteria (0606725) ILO's.docx    
0606756 Economic Acarology
Economic Acarology (606756) ILO's.doc    
0606762 Economic Nematology
Economic Plant Nematology (606762) ILO's.doc    
0606913 Pesticide Analysis
Pesticides Analysis (0606913) ILOs.docx    
0606923 Nematode Ecology
Nematode Ecology (606923) ILO's.doc    
0606945 Selective Subjects in Plant Protection
Selective topic in plant Protection (0606945) ILO's.docx    
0606951 Biological Control
Advanced Biological Control 0606951 ILO's.doc    
0606953 Ecology of Insect Populations
Ecology of Insect Population 606953 ILO's.doc    
0606955 Insect-Plant Relationship
Insect-Plant Relationship 606955 ILOs.doc    
0606957 Herbicides
Herbicides (0606957) ILO's.doc    
0606962 Nematode Taxonomy
Nematode Taxonomy (0606962) ILO's.doc    
606963 Ecology and Genetic Phytopathogenic Bacteria
Phytopathogenic Bacteria Ecology and Genetics (0606963) ILO's.docx    
606965 Fungal Taxonomy
Fungal Taxonomy-ILOs 0606965.docx    
606991 Seminar in Plant Protection
Seminar in Plant Protection (0606991) ILO's.doc