1. Write pioneer research projects and acquire needed funds and logistical support from local, regional and international resources.
2. Work as a principal investigator and publish in highly ranked scientific journals.
3. Lead research teams efficiently and professionally.
4. Prepare and teach courses in the field of horticulture and crop science, and supervise professionally graduate students.
5. Solve effectively problems related to horticulture and crop sciences.
6. Performs professionally workshops, field days, and scientific bulletins.
7. Apply modern statistical techniques to reach the best possible solutions.
8. Apply efficiently the results of experiments and scientific research to develop new ideas in horticulture and crop sciences.
9. Prepare and implement effectively studies to introduce new crops.
10. Develop thoughtful techniques to use production inputs to achieve the best results with minimal damage to environment.
11. Develop thoughtful, clear, and consistent perspectives on ethical issues with minimal damage to environment.
12. Commit to sustainable learning and seeks to generate new knowledge in his specialty.