School of Agriculture:: The University of Jordan ::

Program Specifications

Bachelor in Landscaping and Floriculture Program / Program Overview

Background to the program and subject area:
The program was established in the Department of Horticulture and Crop in 2007 under the name of the Landscaping and Floriculture to meet the needs of the markets locally, regionally and internationally. The program includes a staff of 4** as Program members and 9** employees. The program gives the first university degree (BA) in Landscaping and Floriculture.
** A number of faculty members from the Department of Horticulture and Crop Science help in teaching the courses of this program and are therefore listed in the faculty members' data table.
Vision statements of the program:
To achieve the levels of advanced degrees in the field of Landscaping and Floriculture in Jordan and other countries, either through graduates or by the results of scientific research, which can be reached by academic and technical staff. The staff members are looking forward to develop educational programs on an ongoing basis and to integrate the new required fields.
Mission statements of the program:
Graduation of students with a degree in Landscaping and Floriculture, have the ability to interact with the owners of nurseries and companies operating in this area, officials of the public parks and related industries, and participating in groups and specialized institutions and owners of private gardens (locally, regionally and internationally) throughout specialized programs that characterized by dynamic activity
Program Aims:
1.    Teaching students the scientific and practical courses.
2.    Supplying the local, regional and international markets with distinguished graduates in the science of Landscaping and Floriculture.
3.    Provide students with the basic science that enable them to continue their higher studies in local and international universities.
4.    Contributing of graduates in the development of the agricultural sector - Landscaping and Floriculture and participate in the legislation and laws that contribute to the development of the sector.
5.    Raise awareness among owners of home gardens and companies in this sector and officials of public parks about the proper scientific methods to take care of the gardens and the production of flowers and ornamental plants, and at the flower shops about the proper ways to conserve the flowers after harvest.