School of Agriculture
"Where You Can Find The Best Agricultural Knowledge, And Hope You the Best Wishes In Our Campus"
0605752 Statistics for Agribusiness
Course Description :
The course aims to enable students to read critically empirical literature in economics and other social sciences and to use advanced analytical statistical methods in data analysis. Topics covered include a review of descriptive statistics, sampling methods, regression theory, probability theory, statistical analysis applied to the development and control of manufacturing operations of food products and quality control. Non-parametric tests,  such as chi-square, Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests, and quantitative techniques, such as factor analysis, discriminant analysis, and cluster are analysis are covered. This course emphasizes computer applications, data analysis and interpretation of quantitative results
Department :Agricultural%20Economics%20and%20Agribusiness
Program :Master%20in%20Agricultural%20Economics%20and%20Agribusiness%20(Thesis%20Track)%20%20
Course Level :Master
Course Outline :
الإحصاء للأعمال الزراعية (0605752) ILO's.docx