School of Agriculture
"Where You Can Find The Best Agricultural Knowledge, And Hope You the Best Wishes In Our Campus"
0641322 Protected Agriculture
Course Description :

To know various means of protection and types of covering materials. To have basic information about controlling environmental factors under protective structures. To be familiar with various types of growing media, containers and production of vegetable seedlings. To grow and manage production of some crops grown under protected structures i.e. Strawberry, Tomato, Cucumber, Pepper, Kidney bean and Lettuce with emphasis on recent technology. To study, in detail, the soil less cultivation techniques.

Department :Horticulture%20and%20Crop%20Science
Program :Bachelor%20in%20Horticulture%20and%20Crop%20Science
Course Level :Bachelor
Course Outline :
Protected Agriculture (0601322) ILOs.doc