School of Agriculture
"Where You Can Find The Best Agricultural Knowledge, And Hope You the Best Wishes In Our Campus"
0605340 Agricultural Policies and Development
Course Description :

                 Prerequisite  :( 0605215)

Role of agriculture in the economic development. Objectives of agricultural policies, Policies affecting agriculture, rural areas and agribusiness firms, including fiscal and monetary policies, food marketing, and trade policies are analyzed. The course discusses bases of economic and agricultural development, characteristics, obstacles, sources of finance, allocation theories, development strategies, theories of economic development, and models in agricultural development, agricultural policies and development in Jordan.

Department :Agricultural%20Economics%20and%20Agribusiness
Program :Bachelor%20in%20Agricultural%20Economics%20and%20Agribusiness
Course Level :Bachelor
Course Outline :
السياسات الزراعية والتنمية (605340).DOC