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Introduction to farm animals livestock sector in Jordan, breeds poultry, products of farm animals (meat, milk , eggs, wool), basic concepts in genetic improvement, reproductive and digestive systems, nutrients and their functions, husbandry of farm animals. | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production | 1.Bachelor | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production |
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Poultry industry in Jordan, breeds and breeding systems, anatomy and physiology of poultry, incubation and hatchery management, brooding and rearing of chicks, layers management, principles of poultry nutrition, practices on various stages of production. | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production | 1.Bachelor | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production |
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Breeds of sheep in the Arab countries. principles of breeding and selection, facilities and barns of sheep, mating and management of rams and ewes, nutrition of sheep, fattening of lambs, wool and its characteristic, management of the health of the flock, important diseases of sheep. | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production | 1.Bachelor | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production |
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Breeds of dairy cattle, anatomy and physiology of digestive, reproductive, and milk production systems, nutrition and methods of feeding, breeding systems, management of dairy farms, production and marketing of milk | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production | 1.Bachelor | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production |
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Characteristics of poultry industry in Jordan, pure and commercial breeds of chickens, poultry environment and housing , reproductive physiology and light management, force molting laying hens, digestion, absorption, and metabolism, feed stuffs for poultry, feed additives, basics of feed formulation | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production | 1.Bachelor | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production |
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Disscus the importance of feed storage and feeding methods, use of computer in recording and planning, the use of new techniques in reproduction to improve fertility, the use of new milking machines in controlling diseases, determining bulls selection criteria for herd improvement and the facilities and equipment needs for housing management. | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production | 1.Bachelor | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production |
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Principles growth, Rearing systems and management practices, feeding and caring of new born animals. Control of growth, Nutrition and growth, Growth of lambs and calves, feed ingredients and ration formulation, fattening, feed additives and growth promoters, carcass composition and quality. | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production | 1.Bachelor | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production |
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Factors affecting animal production in hot climate; effect of heat on feed requirements and reproduction; housing and facilities; rearing and management; suitable breeds and adaptation to hot climate; production of sheep, goat, cattle, camels, horses, and poultry in hot climates and
product marketing. | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production | 1.Bachelor | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production |
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Environmental factors and its relation with animal health, animal handling and health, disinfectants and drugs, diseases of animals and their control, external parasites and their control. | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production | 1.Bachelor | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production |
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Etiology, symptoms, post-mortem, treatment and methods of protection of bacterial, viral and fungal poultry disease, diseases caused by internal and external parasites, nutritional diseases | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production | 1.Bachelor | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production |
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Structure and functions of systems dealing with blood circulation, reproduction, milk production, respiration, bones, muscles, nervous, endocrine, excretion, digestion and thermal regulation in farm animals. | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production | 1.Bachelor | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production |
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reproduction, Anatomy and physiology of reproductive organs, hormones of
Production of gametes, fertilization, pregnancy, fertility and infertility, artificial insemination, semen collection, semen, processing and preservation | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production | 1.Bachelor | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production |
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Effect of environmental factors on physiological processes in farm animals, heat regulation of the body, heat production and balance, heat loss, insulation, physiology of adaptation, measurements of heat stress. | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production | 1.Bachelor | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production |
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Principles of applied genetics in farm animals, principles of inheritance, phenotypic variation, selection response, breeding value estimation, inbreeding , heterosis, cross breeding systems, genetic decisions in farm animals | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production | 1.Bachelor | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production |
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Physiographical characteristics of rangelands , rangeland types, ecology of range plants, range monitoring and evaluation, stocking rate, rangelands status in Jordan and management of grazing lands in Jordan | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production | 1.Bachelor | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production |
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Range plants, effects of grazing animals on growth and reproduction of plants, manipulation of vegetative cover by grazing animals, discussion of the holistic resource management (HRM) of renewable resources; grazing systems | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production | 1.Bachelor | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production |
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Planning range improvements, manipulating range vegetation by mechanical,
biological and burning, range seeding, range fertilization, water harvesting and spreading techniques. The practical part focuses on rangeland rehabilitation and water harvesting techniques. | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production | 1.Bachelor | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production |
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Nutrition of livestock and poultry, digestion and functions of nutrients, metabolism of nutrients, classification and processing of feed stuffs, nutrient deficiency symptoms, ration formulation and mixing. | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production | 1.Bachelor | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production |
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Proximate analysis of feeds: moisture, crude protein, crude fat, carbohydrates, crude fiber, ash , Van Soest analysis, feed digestibility. | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production | 1.Bachelor | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production |
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Anatomy of digestive system, physiology and metabolism of nutrients in ruminant animals, voluntary feed intake, feed requirements of dairy cattle, beef cattle, sheep and goats, ration formulation .
| Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production | 1.Bachelor | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production |
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Ingredients specifications and diets formulation, feeding programs for egg laying stocks, broilers, broiler breeders, turkeys and waterfowls.
| Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production | 1.Bachelor | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production |
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Energy and protein utilization, Voluntary feed intake, General plan of nutrition for dairy cows, Optimum feeding strategy during lactation, Feeding systems and aspects of good nutrition programs, Milk composition and nutrition, Nutrition and reproduction, Feed additives, Metabolic disorders. | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production | 1.Bachelor | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production |
| | | This course is specialized for students in the training semester at the Agricultural Research Station. Students will be divided into groups according to the physiological and production stages of the different farm animals raised in the station. They will be asked to follow and participate in all practices and record all the production, health, and management information during this time. By the end of the semester, students have to submit a reprot including all the production and management data with any accompanied justifictaions and recommendations. | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production | 1.Bachelor | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production |
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Practical training on daily and seasonal routine works in chickens, sheep and dairy cattle farms to earn basic applied skills to manage these farms, in the Agricultural Research Station in Jordan Valley . | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production | 1.Bachelor | Animal Production | Bachelor in Animal Production |
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Linear and multiple regression and correlation concepts; computation and interpretation for I, II, III and IV analysis of variances; mean separation procedures such as least significant difference (LSD), Duncan’s Multiple Range Test, Tukey’s W. Procedure, and orthogonal contrasts. Students will be exposed to some uses of PC in statistical analysis. | Animal Production | Master in Animal Production (Thesis Track) | 2.Master | Animal Production | Master in Animal Production (Thesis Track) |
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Factors influencing the performance of grazing animals; techniques for determining feed intake of grazing animals; assessment of nutritive characteristics of forage plants and their effect on voluntary forage intake; factors affecting selection of plants; grazing behavior; investigating the functional relationship between forage production and animal performance. | Animal Production | Master in Animal Production (Thesis Track) | 2.Master | Animal Production | Master in Animal Production (Thesis Track) |
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Effects of environmental factors on farm animal production parameters: management, nutrition,reproduction, growth and animal products (milk, meat, eggs and wool); animal housing in relation to environmental factors. | Animal Production | Master in Animal Production (Thesis Track) | 2.Master | Animal Production | Master in Animal Production (Thesis Track) |
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The most important epidemic farm animal diseases associated with bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites that may cause economic losses, diseases of newborn animals, sterility; zoonotic diseases | Animal Production | Master in Animal Production (Thesis Track) | 2.Master | Animal Production | Master in Animal Production (Thesis Track) |
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Anatomy and physiology of reproductive system; endocrine glands and hormones of reproduction; estrous cycle and ovigenesis; insemination; fertilization; pregnancy; parturition; fertility and infertility in farm animals. | Animal Production | Master in Animal Production (Thesis Track) | 2.Master | Animal Production | Master in Animal Production (Thesis Track) |
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Development, growth and anatomy of the mammary glands; hormonal and neural control of lactation; milk synthesis and milk secretion; physiological and environmental factors affecting lactation. | Animal Production | Master in Animal Production (Thesis Track) | 2.Master | Animal Production | Master in Animal Production (Thesis Track) |