Tens of graduates at the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Jordan have participated at the "Graduates Day", held by the Faculty within the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the University. The Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Prof. Akel Mansour said in a speech at the opening ceremony that the Faculty participates in the development of Agriculture at national level in Jordan, moreover Prof. Mansour displayed a brief about the founding of the Faculty and its plans, and highlighted offered academic programs and achievements, pointing to the Faculty's continuous pursue to exert more efforts to offer the experience of faculty members and their research in order to access the best solutions to the obstacles and problems in agriculture. The ceremony was attended by Professor Ekhlief Al-Tarawneh, the University President, Vice President for Scientific Faculties Affairs & Vice President for Scientific Research, Graduate Studies and Quality, the members of faculty and administrative members. The three-day event includes entertaining activities and Agricultural exhibition.