The Department of Animal Production, under the direct coordination of the head of the department, Dr. Mohannad Abu Ajamieh, organized a scientific workshop on the topic "Vaccination and Lab Testing in Poultry Industry" last Saturday in the School of Agriculture.
The workshop, which was supervised by Walid Al-Saleh, DVM "the regional director of United Animal Health and a member of the Jordanian Poultry Specialists Association" concentrated on the importance of commitment to giving trusted vaccines to poultry within scientific and effective standards, in addition to the important role that major poultry farming projects and companies supporting advanced laboratory tests such as ELISA and PCR for diagnosis the various poultry diseases, where diagnosis of the diseases causes is the basis for the sustainability of poultry farming projects.
It is worth noting that this is the second lecture given by Mr. Al-Saleh to the students of the Animal Production Department, as the first was in the December as an introduction and definition of the poultry industry in Jordan.