School of Agriculture:: The University of Jordan ::

Program Specifications

Master in Human Nutrition and Dietetics / Program Overview

  •   Background to the program and subject area:
Previously, the department had been offering a joint program in nutrition and food technology. Recently, two separate Master's programs have been offered as an alternative to the joint program, which were launched in the beginning of the second semester of the academic year 2008/2009. These two programs are Master’s in “Human Nutrition and Dietetics” and Master’s in “Food Science and Technology”.To qualify for the Master of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, the students must complete a prescribed courses program of 34 credits including the 9 credits thesis. These courses are designed to prepare the students to develop and conduct a research in the field of human nutrition. The graduate students of the program have demonstrated a great success at national, regional and international level, which indicates the program capability in fulfilling the needs of labour market and preparing distinguished professional graduates.
  •   Vision s​tatements of the program:
   To be pioneers and innovators in the field of human nutrition and dietetics in Jordan with scholarly efforts to be recognized as a model at the national, regional and international levels.  
  • ​  Mission statements of the program:
To Prepare qualified human resources that are capable to teach and conduct scientific research, extend targeted knowledge and deliver services at the best level of professional quality and excellence in different fields of nutritional sciences.
  •   Program Aims:
    •   Independent creative thinking in problem solving of nutritional related problems.
    •   Scientific writing by reviewing of scientific literature in the field of nutritional sciences.
    •   Being a part of technical personnel that contributes to the establishment of dietary guidelines and recommendations of healthy, balanced nutrition, which play a role in prevention of malnutrition.
    •   Supervising nutrition departments in hospitals and health care institutions.
    •   Providing people with food and nutrition related information through various resources, including business, marketing, communication and social networks.
    • ​  Assisting in teaching courses in the field of nutritional sciences  in universities and scientific institutes.